Paula Meliveo is an actress, screenwriter, reporter and Doctor Cum Laude in Audiovisual Communication with wide repercussion in our country. She is responsible for the International Relations department of ESAEM, carrying out exchange programs with the school such as APUNE (Association of University Programs of North Americans in Spain).
- Medical Center. Elena Bermejo. (TVE, Zebra, 2016)
- Daily series Arrayán (Canal Sur). Actress. Fixed character, Susana. (2008-2013)
- Physics or Chemistry. Suicidal adolescent. (Antena 3, Roundtrip, 09)
- The strip. Neighborhood girl. (La Sexta, Globomedia 08-09)
- Red Eagle. Estuarda’s friend. (Globomedia 09).
- Brave. Paloma (nurse). ( Zebra 2010)
- Resort paradise. (Enrique Garcia, 2016)
- Stylistics. (Adrián López, 2015)
- Torrente 5. (Santiago Segura, 2014)
- The path of the English. (Antonio Banderas, 2006)
- Look how good it is. La Chocita de Gran Vía Theater. Monologuist. (2008)
- Prometheus. Musical. Actress, dancer, voice. (2013).
- Levántate y Cárdenas (Europa fm). Outdoor sections. (2014-2017).
- Ofú (Canal Sur). Dir. Tomás Summers. Reporter. (2015-2016).
- La mañana de la 1 (TVE). Actress, script, collaboration. (2015)
- Andalucía Directo (Canal Sur). Reporter, live connections, editor. (2008)
- Daily series Arrayán (Canal Sur). Actress. Fixed character, Susana. (2008-2013)
- Peace on Earth (Canal Sur). Late humor. Reporter. (2008, 4 programs)
- Sabías a lo que venías (La Sexta). Dir. Santiago Segura. (2007)
- Reporter, actress, collaborator, section co-host. Antena 3 News (Antena 3). Correspondent, editor, direct (Medianews, 2006)
- La estación (Canal Sur). Musical program of Canal2Andalucía. Scriptwriter. (2005)
- El pelotazo (Canal Sur). Dir. Ricardo Medina. Humor and soccer program. (2004)
- Reporter, scriptwriter, editor.
The magazine (Localia TV, Málaga). Writer, reporter, editor, producer. (2002-2004)
PRESS OFFICES at Film Festivals
- Press Officer. Feature film, directed by Adrián López (2016).
- Malaga Film Festival. Press Office . Production assistant and guest PR.
(2010) - Malaga Film Festival. Press officer assistant. Production assistant and guest PR.
(2009) - Islantilla Film and TV Festival. Press and production assistant. (2008)
- D. Cum Laude in Audiovisual Communication, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid.
(2016) - Degree in Audiovisual Communication, University of Malaga (2001).
Average undergraduate grade 8.42 out of 10. - Final degree project qualified with honors.
Final project published in:
Laura (2000), “La recreación de los estereotipos cinematográficos, un condicionante de mentalities: the case of Andalusian women in Spanish cinema”,
in BARRANQUERO TEXEIRA, Encarnación and PRIETO BORREGO, Lucía (Coords.), Mujeres en la contemporaneidad: educación, cultura, imagen. contemporaneidad: educación, cultura, imagen, Málaga, Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Málaga.
University of Málaga, pp. 93-125 (ISBN: 84-7496- 792-9)
SÁNCHEZ ALARCÓN, Inmaculada (Coord.); MELIVEO NOGUÉS, Paula; MONTESINOS SOUDRY, Pablo; POZA PÉREZ, Antonio; RUIZ MUÑOZ, María Jesús and TERUEL RODRÍGUEZ. SOUDRY, Pablo; POZA PÉREZ, Antonio; RUIZ MUÑOZ, María Jesús and TERUEL RODRÍGUEZ, Laura (2001), “La imagen de la mujer andaluza a través del cine español: un análisis de
cultural representations”,
in SAURET GUERRERO, Teresa and QUILES FAZ, A.: Luchas of gender in history through the image, vol. III. Málaga, Servicio de Publicaciones Centro de Ediciones de la Diputación Provincial de Málaga (CEDMA), pp. 603-617 (ISBN: 84-7785- 469-6)
- Interpretation in Cristina Rota’s School 2006, 2007.
- Acting training at Corazza Studio for the Actor 2004, 2005.
Doctoral Programs
- PhD; Regional communication in the multimedia scenario (2001-2003), University of Malaga. Remarkable qualification.
- Research Sufficiency (Advanced Studies Diploma) in the area of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising, by the University of Malaga. Outstanding qualification.
- PhD “Social and Legal Sciences” (2015-2017) Universidad Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid. Outstanding qualification.
University teaching
- Course for students of Advertising and Public Relations and Audiovisual Communication.
- Current television, entertainment and humor programs. The work of the scriptwriters and collaborators”.
- Seminar on communication. Malaga Film School, directed by Ezekiel Montes (4 March 2016).
- Course for students of Audiovisual Communication and Journalism “Current television.
- Low cost independent productions”. IV Congress on Media Research. University of Malaga, directed by Nekane Parejo ( 15 December 2015).
- Communication: The image of Andalusian women through Spanish cinema: an analysis of cultural representations”. Congress Gender struggles in history through the image. University of Malaga, directed by Teresa Sauret (October 27-29, 1999).
Scientific articles published in science journals: University teaching material: textbooks, compilations, case studies, etc…
SÁNCHEZ ALARCÓN, Inmaculada (Coord.); MELIVEO NOGUÉS, Paula; MONTESINOS SOUDRY, Pablo; POZA PÉREZ, Antonio; RUIZ MUÑOZ, María Jesús and TERUEL RODRÍGUEZ, Laura (2000), “La
recreation of cinematographic stereotypes, a conditioning factor of mentalities: the case of Andalusian women in Spanish cinema”,
in BARRANQUERO TEXEIRA, Encarnación and PRIETO BORREGO, Lucía (Coords.), Mujeres en la contemporaneidad: educación, cultura, imagen, Málaga, Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Málaga, pp. 93-125 (ISBN: 84-7496- 792-9)
SÁNCHEZ ALARCÓN, Inmaculada (Coord.); MELIVEO NOGUÉS, Paula; MONTESINOS SOUDRY, Pablo; POZA PÉREZ, Antonio; RUIZ MUÑOZ, María Jesús and TERUEL RODRÍGUEZ, Laura (2001), “La
image of Andalusian women through Spanish cinema: an analysis of cultural representations”,
in SAURET GUERRERO, Teresa and QUILES FAZ, A.: Luchas de género en la historia a través de la imagen, vol. Málaga, Servicio de Publicaciones Centro de Ediciones de la Diputación Provincial de Málaga (CEDMA), pp. 603-617 (ISBN: 84-7785- 469-6).
SÁNCHEZ ALARCÓN, Inmaculada (Coord.); FERNÁNDEZ PARADAS, Mercedes; MELIVEO NOGUÉS, Paula; MONTESINOS SOUDRY, Pablo; POZA PÉREZ, Antonio; RUIZ MUÑOZ, María Jesús y TERUEL RODRÍGUEZ, Laura (2002), “El cine de Miguel Alcobendas: la producción documental en
Andalucía durante los años 70″ in GARCÍA GALINDO, Juan Antonio;
GUTIÉRREZ LOZANO, Juan and SÁNCHEZ ALARCÓN, Inmaculada (Eds.), La comunicación social durante el Franquismo. Málaga, Diputación Provincial de Málaga/ Cajamar, pp. 775-790 (ISBN: 84-7785-498-X)
SÁNCHEZ ALARCÓN, Inmaculada (Coord.); JIMÉNEZ GÁMEZ, Alvar; MELIVEO NOGUÉS, Paula; RUIZ MUÑOZ, María Jesús and TERUEL RODRÍGUEZ, Laura (2003), “La Semana de Cine de Autor de Benalmádena: canales alternativos de difusión cinematográfica en Málaga durante la
in COMPANY, Arnau; PONS, Jordi and SERRA, Sebastià (Eds.), La comunicació
audiovisual in history. Palma, Servei de Publicacions i Intercanvi Científic de la Universitat de les Illes Balears, pp. 981-992 (ISBN: 84-7632- 826-5)
Scientific articles published in scientific journals
Meliveo, P. (2016). “Cinematic influences of the Torrente saga on the late show Sabías a lo que venías (Santiago Segura, 2007)”. Photocinema. Revista científica de cine y fotografía, nºXX, pp. 281-302.
Research projects and contracts
Collaboration with the Department of Journalism at the University of Malaga Type of aid: collaboration grant.
Collaboration tasks during the 2000-2001 academic year in the Department of Journalism, as part of the collaboration grant awarded by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports for the aforementioned year.
Research volunteer during the 1998-1999 academic year, in the research project “The representation of Andalusia and Andalusia through Spanish cinema”, directed by Inmaculada Sánchez Alarcón.
Research volunteer during the academic year 1999-2000, in the research “The representation of Andalusia and the Andalusian through the Spanish cinema”, directed by Inmaculada Sánchez Alarcón.
Research volunteer during the 2000-2001 academic year, in the research project “La representación de Andalucía y lo andaluz a través del cine español”, directed by Inmaculada Sánchez Alarcón.