Ricard Reguant

Ricard Reguant

Ricard Reguant is one of the most experienced actors and directors in our country in both film and theater, especially musicals. ESAEM Professor in the subject of Musical Theater and Interpretation.

Ricard Reguant was born in Barcelona in 1953. He directs THEATER, FILM and TELEVISION.


1978. Hot and cruel – torture story (film, as screenwriter and actor). Directed by Enrique Guevara.
1982. The Adventures of Zipi and Zape (film, as screenwriter). Directed by Enrique Guevara.
1983. Don’t touch my dick or I’ll get irritated (film, as director and screenwriter).
1991. Escrit als estels / Written in the stars (film, as director and screenwriter)
1992-1995. Quico (television series, as director)
1993. And now what, Xènia? (television series, as director). Interpreted by Àngels Gonyalons.
2002. The Plumber (television, as director). Starring José Sacristán, Guillermo Montesinos and Eva Isanta.
2002. Acting studio (television, as director)
2011. Series B (film, as director)
2012. El retaule del flautista (TV movie, as director)


Debuts as an actor in the Cía. Maragall from the Romea Theater in Barcelona at a very early age (his uncle, the actor LUIS NONELL, was the impresario of the Romea Theater for a long time).

She has participated in: “ELS PASTORETS”, “EL PORT DE LES BOIRES”, “MARIETA CISTELLERA”, “COM SI FOS UN TROS DE VIDA” by Eduardo Criado, “UNA VELLA CONEGUDA OLOR” by J.M. Benet y Jornet (with the company “ADRIA GUAL”), “LA BONA PERSONA DE SEZUAN” by B.Brecht (with the company NURIA ESPERT), “LA GRAN AVENTURA” by Jaume Salom, “LA CAMBRERA ES PERILLOSA” (with the company CARLOS LLORET), “SORPRESA EN NOCHE DE BODAS” and “LA RATONERA” (performing it for 2 years), “SATIRIZANDO QUE ES GERUNDAS” (SATIRIZANDO QUE ES GERUNDERA). CARLOS LLORET), “SORPRESA EN NOCHE DE BODAS” and “LA RATONERA” (representing it for 2 years), “SATIRIZANDO QUE ES GERUNDIO”, “RAICES” by A. Wesker, “TOT ESPERANT L’ ESQUERRA” by Clifford Odetts (forming a cooperative called Cia. “LA PERSIANA”), “EL ZOO DE CRISTAL” by T. Williams (with the Cia. of CARMEN CONTRERAS). “EL CANIGO”, “SOLS BEN SOLS”, “EL MALALT IMAGINARI” (with ESTEVE POLLS Company), “PLET PER L’OMBRA D’UN RUC” by F. Durrematt and “GALILEO GALILEI” by B. Brecht (with CARLOS LLORET Company).

Forms a company. of Children and Youth Theater called “CIA. VA DE BOLIT” where he directs and adapts texts to represent them for school groups, achieving his first successes with the productions: “COLORS BELLS” (from the musical “GODSPELL”) and “EL PRINCEP I L’AVIADOR” (“The Little Prince”). Then come: “ALICE IN WONDERLAND”, “I PLAUTE” and “STORY OF A HORSE”.

He debuted as a director at the age of 17, directing his uncle LUIS NONELL in the vaudeville: “LAS MUJERES DE MI MARIDO” at the Teatro Español in Barcelona, reaching 200 performances.

At the age of 23 he directed two Music-Hall shows: “CRAZY HORSE” (based on the aesthetic scheme of the famous Parisian venue) and “LAS 1001 NOCHES” with choreographies by Ricardo Ferrante.

But it was not until 1987 that he returned to directing in a commercial theater. He adapts and directs Woody Allen’s play: “TORNA-LA A TOCAR, SAM!” (“Play it again, Sam”), which becomes an impressive success, keeping the play a year on stage (8 months at the Teatro Regina, and 4 at the Teatro Condal) the play is two years on tour and more than 200,000 spectators.

THE KNACK by Ann Jellicoe (1988). 3 months at the Villarroel Theater, reaching 100,000 spectators on tour.

“ESTAN TOCANT LA NOSTRA CANÇO” (“Threy’re playing our song”) musical by NEIL SIMON (1990). 9 months of resounding success at the Teatro Goya, reaching 150,000 spectators and celebrating 200 performances. Touring more than 80 towns in Catalonia and winning many awards: “MARGARITA XIRGU” to the best actress of the year, “BEST SHOW” by the association of spectators of Alicante… etc… In Madrid it premiered as: “ESTAN TOCANDO NUESTRA CANCION” at the Teatro Alcala-Palace.

From this point on, the theatrical activity is frenetic. He joins the company FOCUS as executive producer with which he produces practically all his shows (until 1995):

– “SNOOPY, the musical”. According to the comic book “SCHULTZ” (1991).

– “MEMORY. Anthology of the American musical with ANGELS GONYALONS (1991). It became one of the greatest successes of Catalan theater in recent years. Without any subsidy and with a total lack of means it was filling every day at the Teatro Goya and the Teatro Tivoli for three months and made more than 100 performances in Catalonia, surpassing 250,000 spectators. In Madrid it premiered with the title “MELODIAS DE BROADWAY”.

-THE CAT AND THE MUSSOL by Bill Manhoff with Montse Guallar and Enric Majó at the Teatro Goya (1992).

-LA LLUNA DE VALENCIA” musical by Jaume Salom from his play “El señor de las Patrañas” (1992). This work served to reopen the BORRAS theater in Barcelona as a theater after 50 years dedicated only to cinema.

-NOU MEMORY” (1992), another anthology of the musical with ANGELS GONYALONS and the presence of a choir of 40 children. It was performed for 4 months at the Tivoli Theater, becoming the most seen play of the season. With a selection of the two shows “MEMORY” said goodbye to the Barcelona public with a massive concert in the Plaza Sant Jaume in Barcelona (the event was followed by 8,000 people standing and live).

-NO ET VESTEIXIS PER SOPAR” (“Don’t dress for dinner”) by Marc Camoletti (1993). Vaudeville that triumphs all over the world, and interpreted by Amparo Moreno, Carlos Canut and Joan Pera, became the comedy of the summer. He spent 4 months at the Condal theater, 3 months at the Borras theater and performed more than 60 performances in Catalonia.

-TOTS DOS” (“Old friends”), an anthology of songs by Stephen Sondheim (1993). With ANGELS GONYALONS and CARLES SABATE (famous catalan rock singer prematurely deceased). It was announced for only 7 days (it was a recital) and sold out every day, surpassing the capacity in the last performances. It was performed for 15 days during Christmas at the Tivoli Theater, and it was the most watched show during those dates.

– “GERMANS DE SANG” (Blood Brothers) by Willy Russell (1994). Performed for 6 months at the Teatro Condal in Barcelona and considered by its author as the 2nd best production in the world after Broadway.

He began to be hired from Madrid to direct commercial plays such as: “QUE CENA LA DE AQUELLA NOCHE” (“THE DINNER OF THE IDIOTS”) with Pedro Osinaga’s Company (1995).

“FIELES A LA TENTACIÓN” with Cristina Higueras and Pepe Sancho (later replaced by Andoni Ferreño) (1995).

“ULTIMA LOCURA” with Ana Mª Vidal and Manolo Zarzo (1995).

He continues with the musicals premiering at the Teatro Arnau in Barcelona:

-BLUES EN LA NIT” (“Blues in the night”) (1995). With Angels Gonyalons and the singer of color and ex-“SUPREME”: Monica Green, with a resounding success of public.

– “ROCKY HORROR SHOW” (1996). That remains 4 months in the theater.

-Repromotes “TORNA-LA A TOCAR, SAM” (“Play it again, Sam”)(1996) with Roger Pera and Elsa Anka at the Teatro Condal.

-And in 1996 he premiered his most ambitious project: “WEST SIDE STORY” (1996), with an impressive public success, reaching 200 performances in Barcelona alone, with 200,000 spectators. Touring Spain and premiere in 1997 at the Teatro Nuevo Apolo in Madrid. It ended its run with nearly 400,000 spectators and 4 nominations for the MAX theater awards, including Best Musical.

He manages to premiere in Madrid more personal projects such as:

-LA TRAMA” by Jaume Salom (1996). With Cristina Higueras and Andoni Ferreño, filling the Albeniz Theater in the 6 weeks it was running.

-UN PAR DE CHIFLADOS” (“The Sunshine boys”) by Neil Simón (1997). With José Luis López Vázquez and Pedro Peña at the Teatro Alcázar, where it remains for 5 months. Its protagonists won the ERCILLA Award of the Semana Grande de Bilbao for this work.

-Steel Magnolias” (“Steel Magnolias”) by Robert Harling (1997). With Cristina Higueras, Beatriz Carvajal, Charo Soriano, Mabel Karr… inaugurating the reopening of the new Muñoz Seca Theater. 1 year of success and 2 years of touring.

At the same time, it premieres in Barcelona:

“ASSASSINS” an atypical musical by Stephen Sondheim.

-ANGELS” a musical show with Angels Gonyalons at the Tivoli Theater (1997).

-Anthony Shaffer’s “LA HUELLA” (“Sleuth”) with Agustin González and Andoni Ferreño toured Spain and opened the Arlequín Theater in Madrid in 1998.

-CHICAGO” by Bob Fosse, John Kander and Fred Ebb (1999). Musical that triumphs at the Nuevo Apolo theater in Madrid. And it wins the MAX award for best musical of the year. Reaches 400 representations.

-MISERY” by Stephen King with Beatriz Carvajal and Ramón Langa, performed at the Bellas Artes theater in Madrid (1999). Beatriz Carvajal wins the Fotogramas Award for her performance.

AMOR A MEDIAS by Alan Ayckbourn, premiered at the Arlequin Theater in Madrid in 1999.

-Little Shop of Horrors” by Alan Menken and Howard Ashmann (2000). Co-production with Enrique Cornejo that premiered at the Teatro Avenida in Madrid and continues its run at the Teatro Arlequín, directed by Víctor Conde.

-SOLA EN LA OSCURIDAD” (“Until in the Dark”) by Frederick Knott, premiered at the Teatro Real Cinema in Madrid in 2000.

-DIEZ NEGRITOS” (“Ten Little Indians”) by Agatha Christie. Premiered at the Muñoz Seca Theater in 2000, it is one of the great successes of the season with more than 300 performances.

-Murderer” by Anthony Shaffer. Premiered in 2001 at the Teatro Figaro in Madrid, with Ramón Langa and Paca Gabaldón.

“PIPPI CALZASLARGAS, el musical” (2000). Premiered at the Teatro Madrid, it is considered by critics as the best play on the billboard during the months of permanence.

– “MONJITAS”. (“Nunsense”) Premiered at the Teatro Apolo in Barcelona with Amparo Moreno in the leading role in 2000.

It was re-released at the Teatro Figaro in 2001, starring Charo Reina.

-CUANDO HARRY ENCONTRÓ A SALLY” (“When Harry met Sally”) by Ricard Reguant, Octavi Egea and Joan Vives based on the screenplay by Nora Ephron. Premiered at the Teatro La Latina in Madrid in 2002, it is the first musical created entirely in Spain and sold to Germany, where up to 3 companies performed it for 5 consecutive years.

-SEVEN BRIDES FOR SEVEN BROTHERS” (“Seven brides for seven brothers”). At the Nuevo Apolo Theater in Madrid. It became the hit of the season with 150 performances and more than 300,000 spectators throughout Spain.

In 2003 he returned to acting with a small two-character play titled:

-Of Toads and Princesses” by André Renée.

– CANTANDO BAJO LA LLUVIA” recreates on the stage of the Teatro Nuevo Apolo in Madrid the adaptation of the famous film that was performed with great success until the end of 2005.

-VUELVEN LAS CORSARIAS”, directs a revival of the revue at the Teatro Apolo in Barcelona with MARLENE MOURREAU and MALENA GRACIA.

And it takes for the first time the musical to ROMANIA where it premiered in January 2005 at the National Theater of Bucharest: “CHICAGO”. With an absolutely different set-up to all those that have been done so far. In 2007, it is still running and has become the most spectacular success ever in the country.

-MISERY” premieres in SAO PAULO (Brazil) its adaptation of Stephen King’s play, starring two of the country’s greatest actors.

-GREASE”, premiered in September 2006 at the Victoria Theater in Barcelona, becomes the play with more spectators who have bought their tickets in advance, in October 2007 it celebrates 1000 performances with 1,000,000 spectators, it reaches a million and a half spectators in 2010.

-UN HIVERN A MALLORCA”, based on the novel by George Sand. Premiered in October 2007, it was commissioned by the Ministry of the Balearic Islands to celebrate the reopening of the Teatro Principal in Palma de Mallorca.

-PIJAMA PER 6, by Marc Camoletti. It becomes the most seen show in the last 10 years in the Balearic Islands of a Mallorcan company.

-MORTADELO Y FILEMON” musical show of own creation. Premiered at the Teatro Campoamor in Oviedo, and at the Teatro TIVOLI in Barcelona.

-MASSA DONES PER UN SOL HOME”, a vaudeville that manages to congregate 90,000 spectators only in Mallorca, thanks mainly to the charisma and good work of the actor Miquel Fulana.

WILLY FOGG’S RETURN TO THE WORLD adaptation of the famous television series. He is an Artistic Producer for BRB. Directed by Victor Conde. It opens at the Hagen Dazz Theater and runs for 6 months in the children’s schedule. Subsequently, it toured 40 cities, reaching 100,000 spectators so far.

-PER AMUNT I PER AVALL” (Boeing Boeing Boeing) by Marc Camoletti. New unprecedented success in Mallorca, of its 20 performances, 12 have been sold out. The play works because of the excellent rapport of all the actors.

SATURDAY 3.30. Show created by Claudi Biern and Ricard Reguant. Review of the best TV cartoon songs of all times. And creation of the musical group that performs them called SABADO 3,30. Released in May 2010.

MEDITERRANIA. Also in 2011 he returns to the world of family theater with a show created by him and helped in the text by Roc Olivé and with music by Joan Olivé. With his company VA DE BOLIT he premieres a show that talks about the culture, folklore, gastronomy and history that surrounds the Mediterranean Sea. At the Regina Theater.

ROMEO AND JULIET IN GAZA. In 2011, he premiered at the GUASCH theater in Barcelona a modern version of Shakespeare’s classic whose action takes place in the Gaza Strip.

2012 Premiere in Extremadura of a new version of “THE WIZARD OF OZ”, becoming the most watched show in recent years.

He revisits his hit GERMANS DE SANG (Blood Brothers) and transforms it into a minimalist montage that becomes the sensation of the season. Winner of the BUTACA Award for Best Musical of the Year, as well as Best Male Performance (Benjami Conesa) (2012).

BOIG PER TU is a musical of our own creation based on the songs of the famous musical group SAU. More than 25,000 spectators pass during the 3 months of performance at the Teatro Bars in Barcelona. (2012)

TARZAN, THE MUSICAL, is the second collaboration with the Cia. Rodetacón of Extremadura. A new musical of our own creation that continues to be represented after more than 300 performances throughout Spain, and a short season at the Nuevo Alcala in Madrid. (2012)

He is back with 10 NEGRITOS at the Muñoz Seca Theater with a new success that keeps him with performances all over Spain during 2015.

Premiere of 3 NITS SENSE DORMIR produced by TRUI TEATRE in Mallorca where it continues during the 2015/2016 season.

He returns to Romania with the play TOC TOC with an extraordinary success that makes him extend until 2016/2017.

Premiere at the Merida Festival in 2015 HERCULES, THE MUSICAL a work of his own creation that is seen by 14,000 spectators in just 5 days. Debuts at the Teatro de La Latina in November 2015 to follow a tour throughout Spain during 2016.

Last places for the ESAEM Performing Arts Camp!

From July 22 to August 9