Baccalaureate of Performing Arts

The best Baccalaureate for young people with artistic interests

Official qualification
Age: +16 years
Modality: in-class teaching
Length: 2 years

What is the Baccalaureate of Performing Arts, Music and Dance?

The Baccalaureate of Performing Arts, Music and Dance is the official pre-university education in Spain for young people with artistic interests and who have passed Compulsory Secondary Education. A Baccalaureate program designed according to the new education law LOMLOE, in addition to own practical ESAEM performing arts subjects.

100% pass University Access test

“The best Baccalaureate if you are looking for professional and academic opportunities related to creativity, communication, expressiveness, design and new technologies”.

Who is the Baccalaureate of Performing Arts aimed at?

The Baccalaureate of Performing Arts is ideal for those students who stand out for their artistic interests, creativity, imagination, communication skills, sociability, aesthetic vision, sensitivity or emotional intelligence, among others.

Creative profiles are increasingly valued in companies.

What subjects does the Baccalaureate of Performing Arts, Music and Dance have?


The compulsory subjects of the 1st year of the Baccalaureate of Performing Arts are the following ones:

  • Spanish Language and Literature (4 hours)
  • English as a second language (4 hours)
  • Philosophy (3 hours)
  • Physical Education (2 hours)
  • Performing Arts I (4 hours)
  • Musica Analisis I (4 hours)
  • Audiovisual Culture (4 hours)
  • Universal Literature (2 hours)
  • Transversal projects of education in values (1 hour)
  • French (2 hours)

Own practical ESAEM subjects taught in the Baccalaureate of performing arts

  • Interpretation
  • Classical Dance
  • Singing
  • Modern Dance
  • Training for the Admission test to the Degree in Dramatic Art


The compulsory subjects of the 2nd year of the Baccalaureate of Performing Arts are the following ones:

  • History of Spain (4 hours)
  • History of Philosophy (3 hours)
  • Spanish Language and Literature (3 hours)
  • English as a second language (3 hours)
  • Performing Arts II (4 hours)
  • Musical Analisis II (4 hours)
  • Dramatic Literature (4 hours)
  • Artistic foundations (2 hours)
  • Transversal projects of education in values (1 hour)

The optional subjects, to choose one of a lenght of 2 hours, are:

  • Psychology (2 hours)
  • B1 Certificate in French (2 hours)

Own practical ESAEM subjects taught in the Baccalaureate of performing arts

  • Interpretation
  • Classical Dance
  • Singing
  • Modern Dance
  • Training for the Admission test to the Degree in Dramatic Art

* This program is for guidance only and may be subject to change.


What are the professional opportunities for the Baccalaureate of Performing Arts, Music and Dance?

After the Baccalaureate of Performing Arts you will be able to study the following university degrees:

Arts, Humanities, Languages, Audiovisual Techniques and Media.

Degree in Animation Grado Degree in Antropology and Human Evolution

Degree in Arqueology

Degree in Art

Degree in Electronic and Digital Art

Degree in Performing Arts

Degree in Visual Arts and Dance

Degree in Audiovisual and Multimedia

Degree in Fine Arts

Degree in Cuture Sciences and Cultural Spreading

Degree in Dance Sciences

Degree in Antique Sciences and Languages

Degree in Cinema

Degree in Cinema and Audiovisual Media

Degree in Cinema and TV

Degree in Cinematography and Audiovisual Arts

Degree in Contemporary Music Composition

Degree in Communication

Degree in Audiovisual Communication

Degree in Audiovisual Communication and Multimedia

Degree in Digital Communication

Degree in Communication and Cultural Industries

Degree in Advertising Communication

Degree in Communication and Public Relations

Degree in Audiovisual Communication and Journalism

Degree in Conservation-Restoration of Cultural Goods

Degree in Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Goods

Degree in Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage

Degree in Interactive Digital Content

Degree in Musical Creation

Degree in Creation and Design

Degree in Design G. in Interior Design

Degree in Fashion Design

Degree in the Design of Interactive Products

Degree in Comprehensive Design and Image Management

Degree in Multimedia and Graphic Design

Degree in Visual Design of Digital Content

Degree in Video Game Design and Development

Degree in Spanish Language: Linguistic and Literary Studies

Degree in Spanish: Language and Literature

Degree in Spanish: Language and Literature

Degree in German Studies

Degree in Arabic and Islamic Studies

Degree in Arabic and Hebrew Studies

Degree in Catalan and Occitan Studies

Degree in Classical and Romance Studies

Degree in Classical Studies

Degree in Asian and African Studies: Arabic, Chinese and Japanese

Degree in East Asian Studies

Degree in Catalan and Classics Studies

Degree in Catalan and Spanish Studies

Degree in Spanish and Classics Studies

Degree in French and Spanish Studies

Degree in Galician and Spanish Studies

Degree in English and Spanish Studies

Degree in English and Catalan Studies

Degree in English and Classics Studies

Degree in Hispanic Studies 13

Degree in Hispanic Studies: Language and Literature

Degree in Spanish-German Studies

Degree in Hispanic Studies, Spanish Language and Literature

Degree in Hebrew and Aramaic Studies

Degree in English Studies

Degree in English Studies, Language, Literature and Culture

Degree in Italian Studies

Degree in French Studies

Degree in Applied Francophone Studies

Degree in Literary Studies

Degree in Portuguese and Brazilian Studies

Degree in Semitic and Islamic Studies

Degree in Basque Studies

Degree in Catalan Philology

Degree in Classical Philology

Degree in Hispanic Philology

Degree in Modern Philology: English

Degree in Romance Philology

Degree in Basque Philology (Euskal Philology)

Degree in philosophy

Degree in photography

Degree in Photography and Digital Creation

Degree in Geography and History

Degree in Geography and Territorial Planning

Degree in Geography, Territorial Planning and Environmental Management

Degree in Cultural Management

Degree in History

Degree in Art History

Degree in Art History and Historical-Artistic Heritage

Degree in History and Sciences of Music – G. in History and Heritage

Degree in History and Historical Heritage

Degree in Humanities

Degree in Humanities: Intercultural Studies

Degree in Humanities: Cultural History

Degree in Humanities and Social Anthropology

Degree in Humanities and Cultural Studies

Degree in English: Linguistic and Literary Studies

Degree in Musical Performance

Degree in Spanish Language and Hispanic Literatures

Degree in Spanish Language and Literature

Degree in Catalan Language and Literature

Degree in Hispanic Language and Literature

Degree in Applied Languages

Degree in Languages ​​Applied to Communication and Marketing

Grado en Lenguas Aplicadas y Comunicación Intercultural

Degree in Foreign Languages

Degree in Romance Languages, Literatures and Cultures

Degree in Modern Languages

Degree in Modern Languages, Culture and Communication

Degree in Modern Languages ​​and Management

Degree in Modern Languages ​​and their Literatures

Degree in Modern Languages ​​and Translation

Degree in Modern Languages ​​and Literatures

Degree in Modern Languages ​​and Literatures: French

Degree in Modern Languages ​​and Literatures: Portuguese

Degree in Linguistics

Degree in Linguistics and Applied Languages

Degree in General and Comparative Literature

Degree in German Language and Literature

Degree in Catalan Language and Literature

Degree in Spanish Language and Literature

Degree in Galician Language and Literature

Degree in Hispanic Language and Literature

Degree in English Language and Literature

Degree in Modern Language and Literature

Degree in Audiovisual Media

Degree in Multimedia

Degree in Multimedia and Digital Arts

Degree in Music

Degree in Journalism

Degree in Interior Design Projects

Degree in Translation and Interpretation

Degree in Translation and Interpretation: English-German

Degree in Translation and Interpretation: English-French

Degree in Translation and Intercultural Communication

Degree in Translation and Interlingual Mediation

Degree in Business Administration and Management

Degree in Administration and Management of Technological Companies

Degree in Economic Analysis

Degree in Social Anthropology

Degree in Social and Cultural Anthropology

Degree in Business Administration

Degree in Business Administration

Degree in Management Assistance

Degree in Science, Management and Services Engineering

Degree in Criminological and Security Sciences

Degree in Labor Sciences and Human Resources

Degree in Labor Sciences, Labor Relations and Employment

Degree in Business Sciences

Degree in Business Sciences-Management

Degree in Legal Sciences of Public Administrations

Degree in Political Science and Administration

Degree in Political Science and Public Management

Degree in Political Sciences and Public Management

Degree in Political Sciences and Administration

Degree in Political Sciences and Public Administration

Degree in Trade G. in International Trade

Degree in Cultural Communication

Degree in Digital Communication

Degree in Advertising Communication

Degree in Accounting and Finance

Degree in Criminology

Degree in Criminology and Public Prevention Policies

Degree in Criminology and Security

Degree in law

Degree in law

Degree in Development, Commercial Management and Market Strategies

Degree in Commercial Management and Marketing

Degree in Business Management-BBA

Degree in Technology Business Management

Degree in Financial Management and Accounting

Degree in Business Management and Administration

Degree in Business Management and Creation

Degree in Public Administration and Management

Degree in economics

Degree in Financial and Actuarial Economics

Degree in Economics and Finance

Degree in Economics and Management

Degree in Economics and International Business

Degree in Business and Technology

Degree in International Business

Degree in International Economics and Business Studies

Degree in Philosophy, Politics and Economics

Degree in Finance

Degree in Finance, Banking and Insurance

Degree in Finance and Accounting

Degree in Finance and Insurance

Degree in Taxation and Public Administration

Degree in Geography and History

Degree in Geography and Territorial Planning

Degree in Commercial Management and Marketing

Degree in Cultural Management

Degree in Sports Management

Degree in Economic-Financial Management

Degree in Business IT Management

Degree in Business Management

Degree in Business Management

Degree in Small and Medium Business Management

Degree in Management and Public Administration

Degree in Business Management and Marketing

Degree in Humanities and Social Studies

Degree in Gender Equality

Degree in Information and Documentation

Degree in Entrepreneurial Leadership and Innovation

Degree in Marketing G. in Marketing and Market Research

Degree in Marketing and International Commercialization

Degree in Marketing and Communication

Degree in Marketing and Commercial Communication

Degree in Marketing and Business Communication

Degree in Marketing and Digital Communities

Degree in Marketing and Commercial Management

Degree in Marketing and Commercial Management

Degree in International Business

Degree in International Business and Marketing

Degree in Event Organization, Protocol and Institutional Relations

Degree in Journalism

Degree in Protocol and Event Organization

Degree in Psychology

Degree in Advertising

Degree in Advertising and Public Relations

Degree in Advertising, Marketing and Public Relations

Degree in International Relations

Degree in International Relations

Degree in Labor Relations

Degree in Labor Relations and Employment

Degree in Labor Relations and Human Resources Development

Degree in Labor Relations and Employment

Degree in Labor Relations and Human Resources

Degree in Sociology

Degree in Applied Sociology

In addition to these university or higher education opportunities, you have other academic possibilities such as:

  • Higher Artistic Education
  • Higher studies in Music and Dance
  • Dramatic Art Teachings
  • Conservation and restoration of cultural goods teachings
  • Higher studies in plastic arts and design
  • Higher Degree in Professional Training
  • Higher Degree of Professional education in plastic arts and design
  • Higher degree in sports education.

Do you have any doubts about whether or not to study the Baccalaureate in Performing Arts?

Why studying the Baccalaureate of Performing Arts at ESAEM?

Extended Programme for Baccalaureate

We complement the Baccalaureate with basic training in performing arts.

Excellent results

Average pass rate of 100% in Pevau (Access to University Exam) in ESAEM for 4 consecutive years

Artistic environment

ESAEM is a school specialised in artistic studies. When you finish your Baccalaureate, you will also be able to choose to study a Degree in Performing Arts with us.



We have an exceptional teaching team that gets the best results from our students.

Admission requirements for the Baccalaureate of Performing Arts

Being in possession of the Compulsory Secondary Education Certificate or equivalent.

To have passed the final assessment of Compulsory Secondary Education for the academic education option.

Artistic skills will be valued

Due to the high demand for places, it will be the teaching staff and the ESAEM management who will decide the priority of the places.

Baccalaureate of Performing Arts Prices

Price of the Baccalaureate in Performing Arts, Music and Dance

(per academic year)
425 Monthly
  • Enrolment fee 100€.
  • Total annual payment of 3600€

Registration and enrolment period open Get more info!

Frequently asked questions about the Baccalaureate of Performing Arts at ESAEM

The most frequently asked questions

Yes, it is completely endorsed by the Consejería de Educación de la Junta de Andalucía.

Yes, it is. Contact us and we will explain how to do it.

Yes, you can contact the Secretary's Office for a payment in 10 installments

No, it is not necessary and we don't even require so.

Registration and enrolment period open along the school course

Yes, of course, but you need to get an appointment with the manager

No, but you can hire these services separately if you wish.

Yes, it is. A 10% discount will be applied to each sibling.

You can apply for state scholarships.

Of course you can. Call us and we will explain how to do it.

ESAEM accommodation info

Are you a student from another country and would like to study at ESAEM?

Last places for the ESAEM Performing Arts Camp!

From July 22 to August 9