Mercedes León

Mercedes Leon

Professor of: “Performance Techniques and Performing Arts” in Degree in Performing Arts.

Nominated for the Goya Award for Best Supporting Actress for the film “Isla Mínima”.

Mercedes León García is a playwright, theater director and professor of acting at ESAEM.

Born in Malaga. He studied drama from 1978 to 1982 at the Escuela Superior de Arte Dramático de Málaga.

He obtained a degree in Dramatic Art with the final grades of “Matricula de Honor” and an “Honorable Mention” in the subjects of Improvisation and Interpretation respectively.

Since 1983 she has been a theater instructor in different schools in the city of Malaga.

In 1984 he attended the “I SEMINARIO ANDALUZ DE TEATRO” held in Córdoba, and taught by Miguel Narros, Francisco Rodríguez Adrados, José Carlos Plaza, Salomón Koning, Javier Navarro de Zuvillaga, Felipe Rodríguez Gallego, Guillermo López, Jack Cressy White and José Monleón.

In 1986 he attended the “COURSE OF PERFECTION OF VOICE AND VOCAL TECHNIQUE FOR THEATER” taught by Esperanza Abad, at the Conservatory of Music, Dramatic Art and Dance of Malaga.

She is co-founder and director of the BREA TEATRO COMPANY, created in 1985 in Malaga.

Since 1998, he has directed the O.N.C.E. Theater Group of Malaga.

From 1988 to 1993, he carried out an educational project for the Cervantes Theater in Malaga, aimed at high school students. The direction of the project and the dramaturgy are carried out by Mercedes León.

In 1994 he starred in the play El Manantial del Almendro for Canal Sur Television as part of the “Teatro de la Comedia” program.

In the same year, he recorded a pilot episode of Franco Rey’s series “Vidas” directed by Greg Gark.

In 1995 he took a dubbing course at the Centro de Estudios Audiovisuales de Málaga. (CEAM)

In February 2001 and until June of the same year, he took an intensive course in dubbing, given and promoted by “Andalucía Digital Multimedia” in the Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía.

In July 2001 he received a Diploma from the Escuela de Radio y Televisión de Granada, for his studies of “Introduction to Film Directing, taught by Álvaro Forqué.

The School of Radio and Television of Malaga calls her to teach Interpretation classes during the 2002-2003 academic year.

In February-March-April 2002 participates in the Campaign WOMAN AND THEATER: Andalusian Women Playwrights since 1500. Six Andalusian women authors from the 17th century to the present day were selected, and a series of dramatized readings of them were given, preceded by a conference given by Fernando Doménech. Julia García Verdugo and her play CUARTO MENGUANTE, and Mercedes León with the play CINCO CUBIERTOS were chosen as a sample of the Andalusian Theater of the XXI Century.

On April 4, 2002, he participates as a member of the jury of the XIV NATIONAL THEATER AWARD ENRIQUE LLOVET, being awarded the same in the play “El vals de los condenados”, by the author Santiago Martín Bermúdez, from Madrid.

In 2003 her Company and specifically the theatrical show “A SANGRE” was selected to participate in the VI National Theater Contest for Stage Directors, which took place in the José María Rodero Theater in Torrejón de Ardoz, Madrid, during the month of March. Of the 86 works submitted to the contest, only six were selected, among them “A SANGRE”.

In 2004 she participated as an actress in two episodes of the Canal Sur Television series “ARRAYÁN”.

She has collaborated as Director of Actors in two short films made in Malaga: “HASTA QUE LA VIDA NOS SEPARE” by Carlos Fierro and “MIRADAS QUE VUELVEN” by Carlos Murante. Both short films have been selected for the Malaga Film Festival.

In September 2004 the ESCUELA SUPERIOR DE ARTE DRAMÁTICO de Málaga, awarded him a Diploma of Honor in Recognition of his Brilliant Professional Career.

In the year 2004-2005 it participates in the 1st Campaign of Theater and Cinema REDMÁLAGA, that the Ayto. is being carried out in different areas of the city. Collaborating in the Palma-Palmilla district.

He currently combines directing actors and acting classes with recording commercials for Music/Master.

On May 18, 2006 he received the Gold Medal of the Ateneo de Málaga for his dedication and dissemination of the theater, and for his theatrical career.

In November 2006 his work “La Noche no Duerme” was selected and published in the “Feria Internacional del Libro” of Guadalajara (Mexico) along with other Andalusian authors, under the title “Los andaluces, esos raros”.

Last places for the ESAEM Performing Arts Camp!

From July 22 to August 9